The history of Italian pizza

So where das pizza come from?

The history of pizza goes back to many years. Although it is considered an Italian dish, it actually comes from ancient Greece. A long time ago, the inhabitants of this country ate simple pancakes spread with olive oil and garlic, sprinkled with fresh or dried herbs. However, to answer the question of where pizza comes from, we must focus on the times of the Roman Empire. This flat cake became extremely popular among the Romans, who, after conquering Greece, began to be inspired by the local cuisine, transferring the custom of baking from flour and water to their own home. The first pizza in the Roman Empire was called focaccia and was made with natural leaven. As it was a very cheap dish to prepare, it was eaten mainly by representatives of the lower social classes, and only after several hundred years the so-called picea was noticed by the rest of the population. When tomatoes were introduced to Europe in the 17th century, society fell in love with tomato sauce and, eventually, pizza.

The true story of pizza

When asked where pizza comes from, the average person will first point to Italy. And in a sense he is right, because this country is responsible for the spread of baking all over the world. The history of Italian pizza began in the 18th century, when tomatoes were brought to the area and began to be used to produce sauce. Over time, it was discovered that its composition perfectly complemented the taste of pizza, and the first pizzerias began to open in Naples. Their success was so great that it prompted King Ferdinand II of Bourbon to visit them. The monarch liked the cake and wanted to eat it every day. Since the king’s wife did not share his love for pizza, in desperation he would sneak out to the village disguised as a peasant to enjoy his favorite dish. The situation changed only when Ferdinard’s successor took the throne and decided to introduce pizza to the royal court. Thanks to him, baking gained supporters among the upper classes of society, and eventually became popular all over the world.

Where was Margherita created?

Who invented the world-famous pizza, Margherita? Raffaele Esposito, the owner of famous pizzerias in Naples, is responsible for this. In 1889, his place was visited by Queen Margaret of Savoy, tempted by her delights. When the head of state arrived, the chef prepared for her a delicious patriotic pizza, on which each ingredient depicted one of the Italian national colors. In this way, the baked goods included tomatoes symbolizing red, mozzarella cheese representing white and basil, i.e. green. Raffaele Esposito named the composition „Margherita” after the special guest. Today, thanks to his efforts, pizza is synonymous with Italian cuisine. The history of this baking began with adding a limited number of ingredients, which is why Italians still cultivate this custom. A real Neapolitan pizza doesn’t have many toppings – there are usually a maximum of 3.

Pizza as today's delicacy

The classic Margherita paved the way for subsequent flavor variants. Over time, the pizza recipe was enriched with new additions, creating surprising combinations. Currently, there are so many types of this baked product that it is impossible to list them all, much less choose one real one. A simple Margherita, once eaten by monarchs, or a country pizza full of toppings? Thick dough or thin dough with burnt edges? In fact, there are so many options, so many tastes. Pizzeria Muzyczna, which offers the best pizza in Wrocław, prepares pizza dough based on an original recipe refined to perfection over the years

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